TForce 550 SE
The Choices: Auto
(default), 2 clock ~ 9 clock.
The Choices: Auto
(default), 1 clock ~ 3 clock.
The Choices: Auto
(default), 7.8 us, 3.9 us.
Read DQS Skew
The Choices: Auto
(default), -10/96 clock ~ +10/96 clock.
Read delay from Rx FIFO
The Choices: Auto
(default), 0.5 clock ~ 4.0 clock.
Drive Strength setting
Dram driver weak mode
The Choices: Auto
(default), Normal, Weak.
CKE drive strength
The Choices: Auto
(default), 1.0x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 2.0x.
CS drive strength
The Choices: Auto
(default), 1.0x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 2.0x.
MA drive strength
The Choices: Auto
(default), 1.0x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 2.0x.