P4M80-M7 BIOS Manual
4.4 Memory Hole
When enabled, you can reserve an area of system memory for ISA adapter ROM. When
this area is reserved, it cannot be cached. Refer to the user documentation of the peripheral
you are installing for more information.
The Choices: Disabled
(default), 15M – 16M.
4.5 System BIOS Cacheable
Selecting the “Enabled” option allows caching of the system BIOS ROM at
F0000h-FFFFFh, which can improve system performance. However, any programs writing
to this area of memory will cause conflicts and result in system errors.
The Choices:
, Disabled
With systems that have multiple video cards, this option determines
whether the primary display uses a PCI Slot or an AGP Slot.
The Choices: PCI Slot
(default), AGP.