Hi-Fi A85W/Hi-Fi A75W
eHot-Line (Optional)
eHot-Line is a convenient utility that helps you to contact with our
Tech-Support system. This utility will collect the system information which is
useful for analyzing the problem you may have encountered, and then send
these information to our tech-support department to help you fix the problem.
Before you use this utility, please set Outlook Express as your default e-mail client application program.
This block will show
the information which
would be collected in
the mail.
Provide the e-mail
address that you would
like to send the copy to.
Provide the name of
the power supply
manufacturer and the
model no.
Send the mail out.
Save these information to a .txt file
Exit this dialog.
Select your area or
the area close to you.
Provide the name of
the memory module
Describe condition
of your system.
represents important
information that you
must provide. Without
this information, you may
not be able to send out
the mail.
After filling up this information, click “
to send the mail out. A warning dialog would
appear asking for your confirmation; click
” to confirm or “
Do Not Send
” to cancel.
If you want to save this information to a .txt file, click “
Save As…
” and then you
will see a saving dialog appears asking you to enter file name.