TH61M U3/H61M U3/H61M H/H61M L
RAS# Active Time (tRAS)
T his item allows you to select Row Active T ime of DDR3.
Options: 24 (Default) / 9 ~ 63
Write Recovery Time (tWR)
T his item allows you to select Internal Write to Read Command Delay of DDR3.
Options: 10 (Default) / 3 ~ 31
Row Refresh Cycle Time (t RFC)
T his item allows you to select Minimum Refresh Recovery T ime of DDR3.
Options: 74 (Default) / 15 ~ 255
Write to Read Delay (tWTR)
T his item allows you to select Internal Write to Read Command Delay of DDR3.
Options: 5 (Default) / 3 ~ 31
Active t o Active Delay (t RRD)
T his item allows you to select Row Active to Row Active Delay of DDR3.
Options: 4 (Default) / 4 ~ 15
Read CAS# Precharge (tRTP)
T his item allows you to select Read to Precharg e Delay o f DDR3.
Options: 5 (Default) / 4 ~ 15
Four Active Window Delay (t FAW)
T his item allows you to select Four Active Window Delay of DDR3.
Options: 20 (Default) / 4 ~ 63
CPU Request VCore
T his item sets CPU Request Voltage.