TH61M U3/H61M U3/H61M H/H61M L
Execute-Disable Bit
XD can prevent certain classes of malicious bu ffer ov erflow attacks wh en combined
with a supporting OS (Windows Server 2003 SP1, Windows XP SP2, SuSE Linux
9.2, RedHat Enterprise 3 Update 3.).
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Hardware Prefetcher
T he processor has a hardw are prefetch er that automatically analy zes its requirements
and prefetches dat a and instructions from the memory into the Level 2 cache that are
likely to be required in the near future. T his reduces the latency associated with
memory reads.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Adj acent Cache Line Prefetch
T he processor has a h ardw are adjacent cache line prefet ch mech anism that
automatically fetches an extra 64-byte cache line whenev er the processo r requests for
a 64-byte cach e line. T his reduces cach e latency by making the next cache line
immediately available if the processor requires it as well.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Intel Virtualization Tech
Virtualization T echnology can virtually separate your system resou rce into several
parts, thus enhance the performance when running virtual machines or multi
interface systems.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
Power Technology
T his item enables the power management features.
Options: Energy E ffici ent (Default) / Disabled / Custom
CPU C3 Report
T his item enables/disables CPU C3 (ACPI C2) report to OS.
Options: Disabled (Default) / ACPI C-2 / ACPI C-3