Resume On RTC Alarm
When “Enabled”, you can set the date and time at which the RTC (real-time clock)
alarm awakens the system from Suspend mode.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
RTC Alarm Date (Days)
You can choose which date the system will boot up.
RTC Alarm Time
You can choose the system boot up time, input hour, minute and second to specify.
Resume On PME#
This item allows you to disable or enable PME to generate a wake event.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
Restore on AC Power Loss by IO
This setting specifies how your system should behave after a power fail or interrupts
occurs. By choosing Disabled will leave the computer in the power off state.
Choosing Enabled will restore the system to the status before power failure or
interrupt occurs.
Options: Power Off (Default) / Power ON / Last State