4. Boot Menu | 23
SATA Support
Options: All Sata Devices (Default) / Last Boot HDD Only
VGA Support
If Auto, only install Legacy OpRom with Legacy OS and logo would NOT be shown during post.
EFI driver will still installed with EFI OS.
Options: EFI Driver (Default) / Auto
USB Support
If Disabled, all USB devices will NOT be available until after OS boot. If Partial Initial, USB Mass
Storage and specific USB port/device will NOT be available before OS boot. If Enabled, all USB
devices will be available in OS and Post.
Options: Partial Initial (Default) / Disabled / Full Initial
PS2 Devices Support
If Disabled, PS2 devices will be skipped.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Network Stack Driver Support
If Disabled, Network Stack Drivers will be skipped.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
Redirection Support
If Disabled, Redirection function will be disabled.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
GateA20 Active
Upon Request – GA20 can be disabled using BIOS services. Always – do not allow disabling GA20;
this option is useful when any RT code is executed above 1MB
Options: Upon Request (Default) / Always
Option ROM Messages
This item sets the display mode for Option ROM.
Options: Force BIOS (Default) / Keep Current
CSM Support
This option enables or disables CSM support.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
The following items appear only when you set the CSM Support function to [Enabled]
Boot option filter
This option controls Legacy/UEFI ROMs priority.
Options: UEFI and Legacy (Default) / Legacy only / UEFI only
This option controls the execution of UEFI and Legacy PXE OpROM
Options: Legacy (Default) / UEFI / Do not launch
This option controls the execution of UEFI and Legacy Storage OpROM
Options: Legacy (Default) / UEFI /Do not launch