Systolic Blood Pressure
Diastolic Blood Pressure
< 120
< 80
< 130
< 85
High Normal
130 - 139
85 - 89
• Stage 1: Mild
• Stage 2: Moderate
• Stage 3: Severe
140 - 159
160 - 179
> 180
90 - 99
100 - 109
> 110
Isolated Systolic Hypertension
> 140
< 90
Further information
If your values are mostly “normal” under resting conditions but exceptionally high under conditions of physical
or psychological stress, it is possible that you are suffering from so-called ”labile hypertension”. In any case,
please discuss the values with your doctor.
Correctly measured diastolic blood-pressure values above 120mmHg require immediate medical treatment.
1.5 Common Blood Pressure Questions and Answers
Why is my blood pressure reading always different?
Your blood pressure changes constantly. It is quite normal for blood pressure to fluctuate significantly (50 mmHg
to 60 mmHg) throughout the day. Blood pressure is normally lowest at night, but increases during waking hours
when the stress and activities of everyday life are highest.
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