sessantaquattro user manual v1.1 - June 2017
pag. 19
There is no a particular limit for the current supplied by this output voltage, but it is intended for
small loads, in the order of few tens of milliamps. This voltage is also the voltage used for the
internal analog circuits supply, thus, unregulated absorption can generate noise on the biopotential
signals. Figure 8.4 shows the pinout of the auxiliary input connector.
The input swing for the AUX IN signals is ± 3.3 V. Refer to section 8.2 for further details about the
AUX IN signals conversion.
This adapter can be used to acquire signals from a 16 electrode linear array. The connector make
available the standard interface for any linear array produced from OT Bioelettronica: dry and
adhesive arrays with different interelectrodic distances (refer to our website for a complete list).
FIG. 8.5. The AD1x16SE adapter.
Like for the other electrodes adapters, the AD1x16SE make available on a 2 mm female banana
connector the patient reference. It has to be placed using a reference strap or a large electrode to
the patient body on a place without bioelectrical activity. At the same time, this electrode fix the
common mode patient body potential to the midpoint of the power supply of sessantaquattro and
feed the negative inputs of all the channels. The acquisition of the 16 signals is natively monopolar
with respect to the patient reference, but online or offline differences between signals detected
from adjacent electrode can be estimated generating the differential signals.