the elmeg hybird before being forwarded.
: All calls for the number for which a permanent call forwarding is set up are di-
verted. Your system telephone no longer rings when calls are received for this number.
: Calls to a number are only forwarded if the system telephone is busy. (E. g.: a con-
nection and call waiting are not permitted or two existing connections)
Use the OK key to go to one of the menus "Delayed", "Direct" or "Busy".
There, use the Navigator to select the number for which a call forwarding is to be set up.
Use the "Right" Navigator to go to the next menu. Destination number
Here you can enter the number to which the call should be forwarded.
Previous steps: Menu -> Call forwarding ->Set up -> Delayedt | Direct | Busyt ->Call number
Use the dialling keys to enter the call forwarding destination number.
The OK key is used to save the number, and you go back to the Idle menu.
softkey deletes the last digit in the number. If you want to delete the entire
number, you need to press the softkey the corresponding number of times.
This symbol indicates a forwarded call.
If a call forwarding has been set for your system telephone, you hear the special dialling tone when you
lift the receiver.
12.4 Settings
The receiver is hung up or lifted.
with the softkey.
with the Navigator.
Use the "Right" Navigator to display the next menu for the selected row.
12.4.1 Call numbers
You can enter up to 5 call numbers (MSN) in your system telephone. By entering a number in your system telephone
you indicate that your system telephone is reachable when dialling with this number (MSN). If you enter more than
one call number in your system telephone, your system telephone will ring when dialling with any of the entered num-
On the internal S / U connection in an elmeg hybird, you need to enter your system telephone's internal call number
in the elmeg hybird. Please see the instructions in your elmeg hybird user guide.
If you call an extension, you can select a specific number (MSN) that is transmitted to the called extension (e. g. for
separate accounting). If you do not select a specific call number, the first number entered in the system telephone
(MSN-1) is used.
12 Menu
bintec elmeg GmbH
System telephones elmeg S560 / elmeg S530