Activating a subscriber Voicebox
Lift up the hand set of your phone. You will hear the in ter nal dial tone.
Press the as ter isk key (*) to ac ti vate the unit.
Press the num ber key (#) to de-ac ti vate the unit.
Dial this code. End in put by press ing the num ber key (#).
You will hear the pos i tive ac knowl edge ment sig nal.
Re place the hand set.
Activating a team Voicebox
Lift up the hand set of your phone. You will hear the in ter nal dial tone.
Press the as ter isk key for ac ti vat ing.
Press the hash key for deaxtivating.
Dial this code.
En ter the team num ber.
Con firm your en tries by press ing the hash key.
You will hear the pos i tive ac knowl edge ment sig nal.
Re place the hand set.
Log ging of calls
An in ter nal sub scriber that has been al lo cated a Voicebox may re cord calls. The Voicebox does not have to be ac ti -
vated to re cord a call. Re cord ing can not be per formed if the re cord ing time for a Voicebox is ex hausted. In this case
the call is briefly dis con nected and you will hear the neg a tive ac knowl edge ment sig nal.
A team Voicebox can not be used for re cord ing.
Be fore re cord ing a call let your call ing part ner know that you are ac ti vat ing the re cord ing func tion so that he/she can
con sent.
Af ter you en ter the code for re cord ing a call the call will be re corded un til:
The code for en ding of rec or ding is en te red.
The call is en ded by han ging up the hand set.
The re is no lon ger any rec or ding time avai la ble on the Voi ce box.
Recording calls at an ISDN phone
You are con duct ing a call and wish to edit it.
Switch the phone to Key pad.
En ter this code to be gin re cord ing.
The call will then be re corded.
En ter this code to end cur rent re cord ing.
Con tinue with your call.
Recording a call at an analog phone
You are con duct ing a call and would like to re cord it.
Press the R key. You will hear the in ter nal dial tone. The caller is on hold.
Dial this code.
Con tinue with your call. The call will now be re corded.
Press the R key. You will hear the in ter nal dial tone. The caller is on hold.
En ter this code to end cur rent re cord ing.
Con tinue with your call.
Re cord ing is ter mi nated au to mat i cally when you hang up the hand set while re cord ing a call.
Log ging of calls
Voi ce box (Ans we ring ma chi ne)
Содержание el meg T484
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