BinTec el meg T484 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 15


Se lect the de si red me nu item. De pen ding on the
me nu item, furt her se lec tions / set tings or in put
can be ma de.

    General       {}

 Msg. length:90.··

...........Message 21
....Remote polling:no

»Msg.Length: «

De fine the time avail able to a caller for leav ing a mes sage. For ex am ple: »30
sec.«, »60 sec.«, »90 sec.«, »120 sec.« or »max.«.

»Mes sa ge  «

Here, you de fine which in ter nal sub scriber is to be in formed when new mes -
sages are pres ent on the Voicebox. No ti fi ca tion of a new mes sage is made by
play ing  a  spe cial  dial  tone  at  the  cor re spond ing  sub scriber.  No ti fi ca tion  on
sys tem tele phones con fig ured with ac cess to a Voicebox is in the form of a
flash ing call LED and flash ing softkey »Voicebox«.

»Ac cess-PIN«

Here, you can change the PIN for your Voicebox. The Voicebox is pro tected
against un au tho rized ac cess by a PIN. The PIN must be in put from a tele -
phone dur ing op er a tion / re mote con trol of the Voicebox.

»Re mo te  pol ling«

You can de fine whether your Voicebox can be used from a re mote lo ca tion.
Us ing re mote ac cess you can lis ten to mes sages from a re mote lo ca tion, or
make  con fig u ra tion  set tings  for  the  Voicebox  (for  ex am ple,  ac ti vat ing/de-ac -
ti vat ing  the  Voicebox).

Lis ten  to  mes sa ges

The old est mes sages or re corded calls are al ways played back first. The date and time and num ber of the caller (if
avail able) are dis played for each mes sage. Re corded mes sages can be de leted while they are be ing played back.

Begin as follows:




Voi ce box

Mes sa ges


Se lect the de si red me nu item. De pen ding on the
me nu item, furt her se lec tions / set tings or in put
can be ma de.

     Messages     {}

 New: 02 Calls.......

.........Old: 07Calls


»New: Calls«

The new mes sages are then played back one af ter the other. All mes sages are played back
one af ter the other. A new mes sage counts as hav ing been played back even if you only lis -
tened to part of the mes sage. Mes sages that have been lis tened to are placed au to mat i cally
in the list of older mes sages.

»Old: Calls«

Mes sages that have been lis tened to are played back one af ter the other. All mes sages are
played back one af ter the other.

»Rec or dings:«

Re corded calls are played back one af ter the other. All stored, re corded calls are played
back one af ter the other.

»De le te«

You can use this to de lete all the mes sages in the Voicebox that have been lis tened to. De -
let ing of mes sages may re quire sev eral sec onds, de pend ing on the stor age time used by the
mes sages (quan tity and length of the stored mes sages.

It is mean ing ful to reg u larly de lete mes sages that have al ready been lis tened to in or der to make room for new mes -

Lis ten  to  mes sa ges

Voi ce box  (Ans we ring  ma chi ne)


Содержание el meg T484

Страница 1: ...Voicebox Answering machine English elmegT484...

Страница 2: ...r a Voicebox 4 Using the Voicebox at a phone 4 Logging of calls 5 Using a Voicebox at an assigned phone 6 Procedure for entering the Voicebox menu 6 Use from any internal telephone 9 Remote control of...

Страница 3: ...sdescribedintheOperat ing Manual for the phone TheVoiceboxcannotbeusedforinquirycalls TAPIsubscriberscanonlyusertheirownVoiceboxandnotonesfrom other subscribers If the Voicebox is used via the POTS mo...

Страница 4: ...ement Furtherrecordingand a sign off announcement are not possible The following illustration in the configuration for Voicebox shows examples of the number of available Voiceboxesfora64MB top anda1GB...

Страница 5: ...fora128MBcardandthenin stall a 64 MB card the Voiceboxes that were configured last will be de activated automatically If you then install a 128 MB card again at a later time the de activated Voiceboxe...

Страница 6: ...rded by an individual 4 place PIN initial default setting 0000 Recording of announcements listening to messages or changing set tingscanonlybecarriedoutafterenteringthisPIN TooperateaVoiceboxfromanext...

Страница 7: ...gative acknowledgement signal A team Voicebox can not be used for recording Beforerecordingacallletyourcallingpartnerknowthatyouareactivatingtherecordingfunctionsothathe shecan consent After you enter...

Страница 8: ...s are present you will hear the negative acknowledgement signal A new message counts as having been played back even if you only listened to part of the message Procedure for entering the Voicebox men...

Страница 9: ...dgement signal and are re turned automatically to the beginning of the input procedure again as if you had pressed the num ber key Then select the function while the message is being played back 1 Lis...

Страница 10: einschalten bei Besetzt 24 Voicebox einschalten bei Besetzt und nach Zeit verz gert 25 Activationg the Voicebox as the answering machine The caller hears the recorded announcement and can then lea...

Страница 11: the hash key q You will hear the positive acknowledgement signal t The Voicebox codes are given under Quick reference guide for Voicebox Page15 Remote control of Voicebox from an external phone To...

Страница 12: ...d use a Voicebox in these systems using a special menu available in the system telephones ThisspecialmenuforusingtheVoiceboxisprovidedintheelmegCS410systemtelephone Thenumber teamnum ber for the Voice...

Страница 13: ...Please enter PIN s The menu that is displayed is controlled by the PABX system and can be used for operating and configuring the Voicebox whose number has been stored in the telephone Voicebox On Voic...

Страница 14: ...ngs or input can be made Settings Day Active after 30 sec Mode Speak Activate Nigh Status Here you specify the time after which the voice box should take a call accord ing to selected option mode day...

Страница 15: ...ded calls are always played back first The date and time and number of the caller if available are displayed for each message Recorded messages can be deleted while they are being played back Begin as...

Страница 16: ...Voicebox Answering machine Listen to messages 14...

Страница 17: ...leting of the last message that was listened to 3 Delete all saved messages and recorded calls 3 New messages and messages that have already been liste ned to You hear the positive acknowledgement sig...

Страница 18: ...message 25 Activate the Voicebox for an announcement only Announcement text only no message 27 Listening to or recording of announcement texts 5 Listening to recorded announcement text 1 Recording an...

Страница 19: ...nis A Answering machine 1 M Microdrive 3 N Number of Voiceboxes 2 Q Quick reference Voicebox 15 16 R Recording time per Voicebox 2 S Storage capacity 2 U Using the Voicebox at a phone 4 V Voicebox 1 V...

Страница 20: ...18...

Страница 21: ......

Страница 22: ...S dwestpark 94 D 90449 N rnberg For information on support and service offerings please visit our Website at www bintec elmeg com where you will find a Service Support area Subject to modifications A...
