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1. General
Before installing and operating this equipment, we highly recommend that you become thoroughly familiar
with these instructions. DELIMON does not accept liability, expressed or implied, for any direct or
inconsequential injuries to personnel or damage to equipment, including process interruption, arising from
the misuse or misapplication of its products. Application and / or modification of product beyond its
intended purpose is strictly prohibited.
DELIMON reserves the right to make modifications, changes and/or amendments to both products and to
these instructions as may become necessary to assure ongoing technical clarity.
The content of this technical publication is the sole graphic and intellectual property of DELIMON and is
protected by local and International Copyright Law. As such, it may not be copied, reproduced or used for
any purpose other than that intended by the Company; i.e. as a guide to proper installation, maintenance
and operation of its equipment by qualified personnel and their supervisors. Use of this information for
any other purpose or intent requires the expressed written permission of DELIMON GmbH.
Contact Information: For assistance with product, replacement parts, service or training.
Branch Office
Arminstraße 15
Am Bockwald 4
D-40277 Düsseldorf
D-08344 Grünhain-Beierfeld
: +49 211 77 74-0
E-mail : [email protected]
: +49 211 77 74-210
2. Safety
These instructions provide basic guidance which must be followed during installation, operation and
maintenance. It is assumed that personnel performing required tasks are skilled in the areas of electrical
and mechanical millwright trades plus all local and federal safety requirements. These instructions should
be kept near the point of use and made available for reference at all times.
Identification of safety warnings in the operating instructions
To minimize risk to people working with this equipment, safety warnings included within these instructions
must be observed. Potential safety issues are identified through use of the following general danger
Safety Sign, per DIN 4844, provides warning of potential general danger.
Safety Sign, per DIN 4844, provides warning of potential electrical danger.
Caution designation utilized to signify that damage to machinery and function may result if guidance is not
properly followed.
Instructions affixed directly to machines and equipment must always be observed and maintained to
ensure that they are fully legible. Examples of such instructions would be:
Rotational direction arrows for shafts and couplings.
Identification of fluid connections, direction of flow and substance contained in pipes.
Important Note: There is always increased risk of slipping or falling whenever spilled or leaking
lubricants are present. In all cases, they should be properly removed and disposed of.
Safety Sign, per DIN 4844, provides warning of an increased risk of slipping and falling
due to the presence of water, oil, grease or other foreign substances on pavements,
floors and walkways.