Menu Operations
1 Press [White]key can open the “Favorite”
window like above
2 You can move highlight between 8 favorite
groups by press[Channel Up/Channel
Down]key and press[OK]key to make a
favorite mark in the right side of the
selected Favorite group.
3 Press[OK]key on the marked Favorite
group can cancel the exist favorite mark.
4 After marking, press[Exit]key can back to
“TV Channel List” , there will show a
favorite mark beside the marked channel.
5.1.6 Find
Press[Find] key can open the “Find”
window like above. You can press[Channel
Up/Channel Down/Volume Up/Volume
Down]key to move highlight and
press[OK]key to input the selected symbol
or letter into the dialogue.
After input each character, the program list
on the left will search the channel
according your input, and list the matched
Press[Exit]key can close “Find” window
and you can select channel from the
channels list directly.
5.2 Radio Channel List
Basically, the operation of “Radio Channel
Manager” is same as “TV Channel Manager”,
but there is one point different: In “Radio
Channel Manager” mode, there is no video
information, so it will always display Radio’s
logo in the right side preview window.
5.3 Delete All
In “Delete All” item:
There will display an dialogue for user to
key in password. The default Password is
When you input the correct password, there
will show up a warning message box to
inquire you whether delete all or not.
If you select “Yes”, all channels will be
In step 1 and step 2, press[Exit]key can exit
the function directly without save.
? Frequently Asked Question
Q: IF I incautiously delete all channels,
what should I do?
A: there are two ways to restore:
To re-search all channels in “Installation”
Use “Default Value” function to restore all
channels in “Tools” function.