Do not adjust the cutter angle while a cutting tool is mounted, as it is extremely dangerous to do so.
Use the short head of the included hex key
(consult the CAUTION below) and loosen the
(4) Clamping Bolts a little. Please be aware that
if the Clamping Bolts are released by too much,
this creates excessive clearance between the
Head Case and the Connection Case making
not possible to adjust the angle correctly.
Connection Case
Clamping Bolts
Head Case
Due to the interference with the Head Case, use
the short head of the included hex key to tighten
or release the Clamping Bolts.
Hold the Head Case by hand and rotate to the
selected angle. To set an angle, use the line
marker on the Connection Case and the scale
of the cutter angle on the Head Case. (Fig. 2)
(If it is not possible to swivel the Head Case to
the selected angle, it is necessary to remove
the Clamping Bolts. In this case, consult the
page 6 [If it is necessary to remove the
Clamping Bolts] ).
In the cutter angle’s scale, there are (2) types of
scale: with/without (examples: 15° and 15°).
Both scales indicate the same cutter angle.
(Fig. 3)
The scale of the cutter angle
Line marker
(Fig. 1)
(Fig. 3)
How to adjust the cutter angle
The scale of
the cutter angle
Line marker
(Fig. 2)
Angles with
Angles without