Copyright 2019 Big John Grills & Rotisseries
Frozen Regulator
Water in fuel or use of under-sized propane cylinder
Make sure your propane tank is standing up vertically. Horizontal tanks cannot be used
on Big John appliances. The two models of gas regulators that Big John has used over
the years are the Marshall Brass model 230 and now the Gas-Flo model GR-800.
Anything other than these two models of regulator is “after-market” and is not approved
by Big John Corporation.
If you are using one of the two regulators listed above, please see below for possible
solutions. If you are not, please call Big John Grills to purchase a replacement regulator.
1. Check that you are using at least a 30 lb. propane tank as most Big John equipment
requires a minimum of a 30# propane tank due to the BTU draw. Use of 20 lb. cylinders
is only acceptable for an appliance with a BTU draw of 60,000 BTU’s or less. The more
volume of LP fuel you are drawing from, the less likely you are to experience a freeze-up.
Once a freeze-up occurs you can ether switch tanks or pour warm water over the tank
valve and QCC connector. Make sure the vent hole in the regulator is pointed downward
so no water gets in the regulator. Freeze-ups are most likely to occur in high humidity or
extremely cold situations.
2. If you continue to have freeze-up issues, there is a possibility that condensation in the
fuel is the cause of the problem. Condensation can accumulate in the propane tank if it
was not purged correctly when it was put into service. Take the tank to your professional
filling station and ask them to purge the tank before re-filling.