The Configuration Options screen is used to select options which customize the operation of the equalizer. At the top of the Configuration
Options screen, the Serial Number and Firmware Version of the equalizer will be displayed. The PC Control Software can operate ‘off-line’
(with no product connected) by opening a ‘new’ file for the desired product. The Serial Number and Firmware Version are not displayed for
‘new’ (‘off-line’) files. Left-clicking on Device Name allows a custom name to be given to the particular equalizer, by entering up to 30
characters of text. The Device Name will be stored in the equalizer memory, and will be displayed on the title bar of the Main screen
whenever that equalizer is accessed with the software. Left-clicking on Bypass mode also sets the level control to unity gain will remove
the check-mark, and thereby prevent Bypass from changing any current input level settings. Left-clicking on Bypass mode also sets the
high-pass and low-pass filters to their extremes will remove the check-mark, and thereby prevent Bypass from changing any high-pass
filter or low-pass filter frequency settings. Left-clicking on Restore Defaults will set all Configuration Options back to their factory defaults.