Instruction for Use
Congratulations on acquiring your digital hear-
ing system
– a quality product from BHM.
The digital hearing system for spectacle wearers
is manufactured in Austria in accordance with
provisions set by the European Medical Device
Directive 93/42/EEC, and is in line with the latest
audiological findings and technical innovations.
It bears the CE mark, signalling its adherence
to the latest quality and safety requirements.
The hearing system
is an air conduction
hearing system that is worn with glasses. The
hearing instrument may only be attached and
adjusted to spectacles, which are also de-
clared as medical devices.
By complying with the points listed in this In-
struction for Use,
is sure to be a reliable
partner for many years to come.
The first few days of using a new hearing sys-
tem will focus primarily on familiarising your-
self with the device and becoming accustomed
to the new sound impressions.
The amplification and functions of your new
hearing system have been tailored to your in-
dividual requirements by your hearing care
How long it takes to become accustomed to
the device may vary from person to person.
Success often depends on a willingness to
engage with the new sound impressions.
It is therefore advisable to try wearing your
new hearing system regularly, even if it may
feel a little strange to begin with.
Your hearing care professional will also in-
struct and inform you as regards first-time
use, how to wear it properly and regular main-
tenance measures by
You may of course contact your hearing care
professional to discuss any questions or is-
sues concerning your hearing or use of the
hearing system.