followed correctly, all finished compost can be used safely for
home gardening and landscaping areas.
The beyondGREEN composter is recommended to be used Indoors.
Handling pet waste can be messy and dangerous, please follow the instructions
to avoid serious harm.
It is best to fill the upper mixing chamber ½ to ¾ full than fill in the lower mixing
chamber. DO NOT overload the mixing chamber by filling it all the way to the top
as this may result in a jam or failed transfer.
Handle THE COMPOST CAREFULLY! We encourage you to wear protective eye
wear, cloth gloves, and wash hands after handling; DO NOT EAT and keep away
from food & dishes. Do not use compost created from pet waste on edible
Do not unplug composter for more than twenty-four (24) hours or compost
activity may decrease. If you wish to turn your unit off it is recommended that
you complete the composting cycle in the upper mixing chamber. Then transfer
the contents of the upper chamber into the lower cure tray and allow it to cure
for 12 hours. After compost has been in the lower chamber for 12 hours then
remove compost and place outside. It will continue to break down further. Then
take your unit outside and clean it with a wet rag and allow it to dry out for 24-48
hours before storage.
PLEASE protect the power supply from weather.
Do not clean the mixing chamber. Never use soap or chemicals - these destroy
compost cultures and can damage the machine.
Odors mean inappropriate foods were added, or an imbalance destroyed the
natural cultures. See TROUBLESHOOTING section.
Do not let, pregnant women, children and pets near the composter.
Fresh compost is very powerful. Apply to soil surface only, away from sensitive
plant roots.
For best results, only use beyondGREEN bags, as many compostable bags do not
provide a HOME COMPOSTABLE certification with biobased materials. This could
cause jams as well as destroy compost due to their lack of disintegration in this
There will be a humming noise coming from the air pump. The mixing bar will
also make a rotating sound when operating. If there is little to no organic waste
in the mixing chamber, you may hear a clanking sound while the mixing bar