Replacing the batteries
The battery of the HR monitor may only be replaced by a specialized
dealer (any lock-maker's shop) and at the service address provided.
You can replace the battery in the chest strap on your own. The
battery compartment is located on the inner side. Use a coin or the
battery to be used to open the compartment. The positive pole of the
battery inserted must face upwards. Carefully close the battery com-
partment again.
Used batteries do not belong in the household gar-
bage. Dispose of these through your electronics
dealer or your local collecting point for recoverables.
You are legally required to do this. We will find this
symbol on batteries containing toxic chemicals: Pb =
battery contains lead, Cd = battery contains cad-
mium, Hg = battery contains mercury
Distortion and interference
In the HR monitor, a receivor for signals from the chest strap trans-
mitter is integrated. During use, it may arise that the HR monitor
receives signals other than those transmitted by the chest strap.
How can I recognize interference?
Interference can be recognized in that the values displayed are un-
realistic. If your normal heart rate amounts to 130 bpm and it is sud-
denly shown to be 200, then a short-term disturbance is present.
Once you have removed yourself from the vicinity of the source
causing the disturbance, the values will automatically resume being
accurate. Please note that distorted values can mildly influence the
training result displays and overall values.