Turn on the remote
(if you turn the tug on first, there’s a
chance the unit will go into “Safety
Mode” which will require you to
reset the tug by turning it off and
back on again.)
Turn on the tug
Take a moment to orient yourself
regarding the tug’s position and the
movements you need to make.
As you familiarize yourself with
how the tug drives and maneuvers,
make slow, subtle adjustments.
We strongly recommend driving the
tug around the ramp/hangar without
an aircraft loaded to get comfortable
with the handling.
Please note that directions are relative
to the tug only, not to the remote. Keep
that in mind as you are driving your
tug. Also, Remember you are guiding a
massive plane with wings, propulsion
systems, and tails, not a small tug.
Reverse the process to shut down.
off the tug first
and then the remote.
Best Tugs
™ is not liable
for damage to your plane or person(s)
while using your tug. Be smart, be
aware of your surroundings, including
the plane itself. Remember this much
mass can’t stop on a dime.
First Use
f you are using an easy load
or Lazy Susan configuration:
the tug comes from the
factory with the tire cradle
in a loaded position. Use the
remote to unlock the hook
and then physically pull the
locking hook back to release
the cradle before physically
moving the ramp to the
loading position. Note: Before
each use, double-check your
loading tray. Repeat the step
of manually lowering the
ramp if needed.
See BestTugs.com for videos