How to find your Eniscope on the
If the Discovery tool was unable to see the Eniscope,
you should consult the local administrator or
IT expert for advise and network setup details.
Otherwise follow the below steps.
Ensure the Eniscope is
powered on, by physically
checking the Eniscope
main LED is is blinking.
Check the Eniscope is connected to your
network, you should see a Green LED on the
Ethernet socket after powered on. If not check
your cable for signs of damage or check the
retaining clips on the plugs are not damaged or
try another cable.
Check your computer is on the same IP range,
for this you ideally need to check with your IT
expert. As depending on the size of your network
and setup, you could be using multiple switches
and IP ranges. If in doubt trace the cable from
the Eniscope to the nearest hub and connect
your computer to the same hub via cable.
As well as experiencing
different IP ranges from
multiple switches/hubs,
you could still experience 2
different IP ranges from the
same local area network, in the
form of WAN and LAN.
Your local hub could be setup so
Wireless devices (using WAN) are on
one range (i.e. 192.168.8.xxx), while
your wired/cabled devices (using LAN)
are on another (i.e. 192.168.0.xxx).
If in doubt, connect via cable to the
same hub the Eniscope is to physically
connected to, for initial setup/testing
(turn off your computer wifi and 3g
modem to save confusion later). Once
you know the IP range and can see the
Eniscope you can move your computer
back to its normal workstation.
[ E N S C O P E H Y B R I D M A N U A L ]