As each temperature probe is connected it will
be recognised by the Eniscope. Each sensor has
a unique identification number. To add a specific
temperature sensor to a metering point, go into
the Eniscope Device Configuration and select the
probe you want from the list presented (under
Temperature sensor heading).
The temperature probes will work over significant
distances without loss of accuracy. However
the limit is very dependant on the quality of
wiring, the number of sensors, the proximity to
electrical wiring and other noise sources. We
would recommend that the total network length
is limited to 20 meters, however you may be able
to accomplish longer distances if the wires are run
To avoid confusion with multiple sensors,
connect the first sensor physically, configure
the meter via the software, then add the next
sensor physically and repeat. This way as each
new probe is added, it will appear as a newly
available temperature sensor to add in the
metering point. If necessary mark each probe
with an identification number so you can find it
in the future.
Accuracy and Temperature
The temperature probes have the following
-10°C to +85°C
+/- 0.5°C
-55°C to +125°C
+/- 2°C
Care should be taken to use the
correct cable/connector combination
for the intended temperature range.
Standard temperature probes and
cable kits supplied by Best.Energy
are rated for use in temperatures
between -10°C to +50°C, -55°C to
+125°C temperature probe and cable
kits are manufactured to order.
[ E N S C O P E H Y B R I D M A N U A L ]