Roof Shingles
10 bdl.
Roof 'drip' Edge
7 pcs.
Straight Edge
Building Tip: Install ridge vent in lieu of shingles caps.
Ridge vent provides ideal ventilation, preventing heat or
moisture from damaging your building or its contents.
Cut these pieces
from same sheet.
46" x 96"
42" x 96"
42" x 72"
46" x 48"
46" x 52-1/2"
42" x
1. Install felt paper and metal roof edge the permitter of the building.
2. Install shingles according to the instructions on the wrapper. If you need more detailed
instructions on installing shingles, there are good publications at book stores or newsstands.
Install Shingles - not included in kit
Step 17 Install Roof Sheathing
Detail 'B'
Install This Row First
Install roof sheathing per layout below. Install the rear sheathing flush with the trim on the
rear gable. The top roof sheathing will not extend to the ridge. This will allow an opening
for air ventilation when you install a ridge vent. Install the lower sheathing first. Use a straight
edge to alien the top of the sheathing with the top of the truss. See Detail 'B'. Use 7d sinkers.
Space nails 12" apart.