Using 1-1/2" hanger nails, install the right hangers to the 2x6 tie plate.
The top hanger flange should line up with the 'X' mark.
2x6 Tie Plate
Inside of Building
Front Wall
Install the gable on the left end wall. The gable siding will extend over the 1x3 trim on
the lower wall. NOT behind the trim! Secure gable to wall by nailing through the gable
blocks with 10d sinkers. Nail siding along the 1x3 trim board with 6d galv. nails.
Gable Siding
1x3 Trim
Step 11 Set Left Gable
Layout the truss spacing on the front wall. Start at the left corner of the building. Measure from
the inside face of the wood gusset when marking the location of the first truss. See next page.
Locate the truss hangers, there are left and right hangers. Select the right hangers.
Long Side Nailed
to Wall Plates
Important: When marking the back wall, use the left hangers and
place the 'X' mark on the same side of the line so your trusses are
parallel when they are installed.
Step 12 Set Trusses