Cut a second 1x4-6' trim board
to finish at opposite corner.
Install trim on the opposite
side wall and corner trim on
front and back walls.
Install a 75-3/4" long 1x4 trim board to the front wall flush with wall plate
and with 1x3 trim.
1x3 Trim
1x4 Trim
Tip; Paint the siding and trim boards before installing the trim.
Repeat to install filler on
the opposite wall.
Soffit and Filler Flush
with Side Wall Trim
Step 8
Install White Pine Trim
Step 9
Install Primed Soffit and Filler
1x4-6' Trim
Side Wall
Install All Trim Flush
With Top Plate
Install (2) two 75-3/4" long 1x3 corner trim boards to the side wall flush with the top 2x4 wall
plate and flush with siding on the front and back walls. Use 8d galv. nails, spaced 12" apart.
Butt a 1x4-6' board against
1x3 corner trim and flush with
top plate. Nail along top with
8d galv. nails.
Locate (1) one 7" wide x 48-3/4" long siding panel and cut in half. Install one half over the
front wall with the primed side facing down. Cut edges should be flush with the inside of
the top 2x4 wall plate and flush with the trim on the side wall. Tack the soffit with a couple
6d common nails. Installing 2x4 tie plates in a later step will provide more nailing.
Install (3) three more soffit panels cutting the last panel flush with the side wall trim.
Side Wall
Soffit Flush with
Inside of 2x4
Repeat to install 7" soffit
boards on the back wall.
Install (3) three 4-1/4" wide
x 48-3/4" filler panels over
the side walls. Install the
filler flush with the 1x4 trim.
Cut last filler to fit
7" Soffit
4-1/4" Filler