Shutter actuator 4gang 6A 230V manual
© Gebr. Berker 2005
Version: 10.05.2005
Page: 6 / 17
(Subject to prior change)
Part 7
Description of functions
Moving times / short operation (STEP) / long operation (MOVE) / switch-over delay / moving time
The shutter actuator can be adapted to the sometimes different moving times of the shutters used. For
such adaptation, the different times must be determined during commissioning of the device and
incorporated in the ETS.
Determination of short operation (STEP)
The short operation mode (STEP) is needed, for instance, for the adjustment of the 'gap width' of a roller
shutter. In most cases, the short operation (STEP) is effected by depressing a shutter push button
permitting manual intervention into the shutter control cycle. When the actuator receives a STEP
command while the shutter is in motion, the movement is stopped immediately by the shutter actuator.
With the "Short operation (STEP) base" and "Short operation (STEP) factor" parameters, it is possible to
fix the time of short operation (STEP) independently for each output channel. The time fixed should
correspond to
ca. ¼ of the complete moving time needed for opening the shutter segments in case of a roller shutter.
If the factor is set to "0", the reception of a STEP command will only result in a stop when the shutter is in
motion. There is no reaction in this case, when the shutter is stationary.
Determination of long operation (MOVE)
The long operation mode (move) is needed for the adjustment of the shutter height. In most cases, the
long operation (MOVE), too, is initiated by a long press on a shutter touch sensor or by a superordinate
time control. The long operation mode can always be stopped by an incoming STEP command. An
uninterrupted long operation moves the shutter into the limit positions (completely open or completely
With the "Long operation (MOVE)" parameter, the time for long operation (MOVE) can be fixed
independently for each output channel. The following two settings must be considered:
"Time base * time 20 %":
Long operation (MOVE) is adjusted with the "Long operation time base" and the "Long operation time
factor" parameter. The moving time must be adjusted in such a way that it corresponds to the actual
time required to move the shutter from the upper limit position into the lower limit position.
To ensure that the shutter is in any case in one of the limit positions after the end of the long operation
(MOVE), an 'extra time' amounting to 20 % of the moving time parameterized is automatically added.
As shutters are slower when moving upwards due to gravity effects or other physical influences (e.g.
temperature wind, etc.), the actuator always automatically extends the time set for long operation
(MOVE) into the upper limit position by the fix "Time extension" of 3 %
(cf. "Moving time extension")
ensure that the upper limit position is always reached even in the event of uninterrupted long operation
movements towards this position.
Depending on movement direction, an uninterrupted long operation (MOVE) is always performed with
the long operation moving time regardless of the position occupied by the shutter.
- The long operation time must not be chosen shorter than the actual time required to move the shutter
from the upper into the lower limit position!
A long operation (MOVE) can be retriggered by an incoming new long (MOVE) command.
In this setting, the corresponding output channels are permanently energized during a long operation
(MOVE) depending on the direction of movement. This setting may be required for certain types of
drives (please observe the instructions of the motor manufacturers).
Even an 'infinite' long operation (MOVE) can be interrupted by a STEP command.