Berker GmbH & Co. KG - Klagebach 38 - 58579 Schalksmühle/Germany - Telefon: + 49 (0) 23 55/90 5-0 - Telefax: + 49 (0) 23 55/90 5-111 - -
Operating and
assembly instructions
8014 11 x0
KNX push button module
8014 21 x0
KNX push button module
6LE000414A - 06/2015
Safety instructions
Electrical equipment may only be installed and
assembled by a qualifi ed electrician. Always fol-
low the relevant accident prevention regulations
of the country.
Failure to comply with these installation instruc-
tions may result in damage to the device, fi re or
other hazards.
When installing and laying cables, always comply
with the applicable regulations and standards for
SELV electrical circuits.
During renovation work, protect the device from
pollution by paint, wallpaper paste, dust etc. The
device can be damaged.
These instructions are an integral component of
the product and must be retained by the end us-
Design and layout of the device
Figure 1: Design and layout of the device
(1) Touch cover (not within scope of delivery)
(2) Push-button module
(3) Fastening clamps
(4) Frame (not within scope of delivery)
(5) Supporting ring with prong connection
(6) Screw for dismantling protection
(7) Status LEDs
System information
This device is a product of KNX system and corre-
sponds to the KNX guidelines. Detailed specialised
knowledge obtained from KNX training courses is
required for comprehension. The planning, installa-
tion and commissioning are carried out with the help
of KNX-certifi ed software.
system link start-up
The function of the device is software-dependent. The
software is to be taken from the product database. You
can fi nd the latest version of the product database,
technical descriptions as well as conversion and addi-
tional support programmes on our website.
easy link start-up
The function of the device is confi guration-de-
pendent. The confi guration can also be done using
devices developed specially for simple setting and
This type of confi guration is only possible with devic-
es of the easy link system. easy link stands for easy,
visually supported start-up. Preconfi gured standard
functions are assigned to the in/outputs by means of
a service module.
Correct use
- Operation of consumers, e.g. light on/off, dim-
ming, blind up/down, saving and opening light
scenes, etc.
- Installation into wall box according to DIN 49073
Product characteristics
- Start-up and programming in S-mode and E-mode
- Push-button functions: switching/dimming, blind
control, value transmitter, scene call-up, specifi ca-
tion of the heating operating mode, forced control,
stepping switch and comparator function
- One status LED per rocker
- Function and colour of the status LEDs confi gur-
able for the device
- Integrated bus application unit
Triggering of functions and operation of electrical
loads takes place via touch surfaces (fi gure 2,
dashed) and can be set individually for each device.
There are two operating modes:
- Single-surface operation:
Switching lighting on/off and dimming brighter/
darker is carried out alternately by repeated
touching of a touch surface.
- Two-surface operation:
Two superimposed touch surfaces form a function
pair. For example, touching the top surface switch-
es/dims lighting on/makes it brighter, touching the
bottom surface switches it off/makes it darker.
Operating a function or load
Consumers, such as lighting, blinds, etc., are operat-
ed using the touch surfaces, which are dependent on
the device confi guration.
Touch a touch surface.
The stored function is executed.
The actuation pulse lasts for the duration of the
actuation. Depending on the function, short and
long touches can trigger different actions, e.g.
(2) (3)