60 Brug (med kilden Launcher)
BenQ Suggests
BenQ Suggests
allows you to view apps suggested by BenQ for download.
Select the category on the left panel to browse the suggested apps based on the type. Select an app
from the selected category and press
to view a basic description of the app and access the
download link.
X-Sign Broadcast
X-Sign Broadcast
is an app that allows the projector to broadcast announcements or messages
created and scheduled on the X-Sign website using a BenQ Identity and Access Management (IAM)
For a full description of the features of
X-Sign Broadcast
, including instructions on how to create,
schedule, and broadcast messages, refer to the
X-Sign Broadcast User Manual
which you can
download at the following URL:
Certain apps require the use of a mouse and/or keyboard to operate. It is suggested that you connect a mouse
and/or keyboard to the projector before downloading any apps from
BenQ Suggests