BE2c
7/8”
Page
Copyright©
‐
M.K.
Bengtson
All
Rights
Reserved
Rev
07/11
Tail
Planes
Vertical
Fin
and
Rudder
Remove
parts
S1
–
S9
from
the
1/8”
sheet.
You
will
also
need
some
1/16”x1/8”
balsa
from
your
stick
stock.
After
covering
the
plans
with
your
chosen
protector
lay
the
parts
over
the
plans.
When
you
are
happy
with
how
the
fin
and
rudder
are
to
be
constructed,
start
by
pinning
the
two
vertical
pieces
(S3
and
S4)
to
the
board,
then
work
around
the
rudder
gluing
and
pinning
each
piece
to
complete
the
outside
of
the
frame.
Fill
in
the
three
1/16”x1/8”
pieces
and
S11
to
complete
the
rudder.
Finish
off
the
vertical
fin
by
gluing
S1
and
S2
to
S3
and
add
the
two
1/16”x1/8”
ribs.
Make
sure
everything
stays
flat.
Allow
whatever
glue
you
are
using
to
completely
cure
and
harden
before
removing
the
completed
parts
from
the
plans.
Don’t
attach
the
ply
control
horn
until
after
covering.
Horizontal
Stab.
and
Elevator
H5
&
H2
are
long
and
somewhat
fragile,
use
care
when
removing
them
from
their
sheets
and
with
the
lightest
of
sanding
remove
any
remnants
of
the
laser
cut
‘tags’.
Using
a
straight
edge
to
keep
it
dead
straight,
pin
H5
to
the
plans
in
position.
Glue
and
pin
H1,
then
with
another
straight
edge,
similarly
glue
and
locate
H2
to
H1.
Add
the
two
H4
side
pieces
and
H3’s
to
the
corners.
Cut
and
fit
the
1/8”x1/16”
ribs.
Tip:
Cut
the
first
rib,
sand
and
fit
neatly
to
the
horizontal
stabiliser.
Cut
all
the
rest
from
this
pattern
making
them
ever
so
slightly
oversize.
couple
of
strokes
on
sandpaper
will
be
sufficient
to
tune
these
to
length
as
you
fit
them.
Do
not
distort
the
structure
by
trying
to
squeeze
in
a
rib
that
is
just
too
long,
a
couple
more
strokes
on
the
sandpaper
and
it’ll
be
perfect.
If
you
over
‐
sand
any
and
it’s
too
loose
a
fit,
put
it
aside
and
cut
another.
The
short
one
can
be
used
for
an
elevator
rib.
Horizontal
stab.
start
and
complete.
When
all
the
ribs
are
glued
into
the
horizontal
stabiliser
remove
the
straight
edge
against
H5.
Elevators.
Pin
the
two
E1
to
the
plans,
some
thin
spacer
material
between
H5
and
the
two
E1
will
make
this
easy.
Work
around
the
outside
on
the
elevators
to
complete
the
outline.
Add
the
ribs
and
the
two
control
horn
anchors
to
complete
this
section.
Do
not
add
the
control
horns
themselves
until
after
covering.
Wings
The
wings
can
be
built
with
or
without
the
optional
under
camber
which
is
laser
cut
into
the
ribs.
It
is
no
more
difficult
to
have
this
option
really,
the
ribs
still
sit
nicely
flat
on
the
building
surface
even
after
removing
the
extra
material.
Under
camber
does
require
a
little
more
attention
to
the
aileron
servo
hatch
area
and
you’ll
need
to
check
your
servo’s
are
thin
enough
in
the
narrowed
wing.
If
you
do
want
under
camber,
the
laser
cut
lines
are
easy
to
finish
with
a
sharp
#11
knife
blade
and
a
touch
of
sandpaper
to
remove
the
‘bumps’.
Don’t
over
sand.
Finish
each
rib’s
lower
surface
as
you
remove
it
from
it’s
sheet
and
you
won’t
even
have
to
sand
the
under
camber
on
the
completed
wing.
Other
than
a
little
more
preparation
of
each
rib,
and
servo
rail
fitting,
wing
assembly
is
the
same
with
or
without
under
camber.
Also
note
with
under
camber,
the
ply
‘P’
pieces
that
make
the
carbane
strut
sockets
will
need
some
more
attention
on
the
under
surface
of
the
upper
wing
before
covering.