Instruction Manual for DAC2 HGC and DAC2 L with
2.X Firmware
Page 64
Benchmark Extended Warranty Options
The Benchmark Extended 5-Year Warranty *
Benchmark Media Systems, Inc. optionally extends the standard 1-year warranty to a period of
five years from the date of delivery.
*For the extended warranty to become effective, the original purchaser must register the
product at the time of purchase either by way of the enclosed registration card or through the
product registration section of the Benchmark Media Systems, Inc. website. This optional
warranty applies only to products purchased within the US and Canada and is extended only to
the original purchaser.
Attempts to deliberately deface, mutilate, or remove the product's label will render this
warranty void. Benchmark will not honor warranties for any products disingenuously purchased
on the US or Canadian markets for export. The terms of the extended warranty are subject to
change without notice. For products purchased outside the US and Canada, please refer to the
Extended Two 2-Year International Warranty.
The Benchmark Extended 2-Year International Warranty **
Benchmark Media Systems, Inc. optionally extends the standard 1-year warranty to a period of
two years from the date of delivery.
**For the extended warranty to become effective, the original purchaser must register the
product at the time of purchase either by way of the enclosed registration card or through the
product registration section of the Benchmark Media Systems, Inc. website. This optional
warranty applies only to products purchased outside the US and Canada and is extended only
to the original purchaser.
Attempts to deliberately deface, mutilate, or remove the product's label will render this
warranty void. Benchmark will not honor warranties for any products disingenuously purchased
on the US or Canadian markets for export. The terms of the extended warranty are subject to
change without notice. For products purchased in within the US and Canada, please refer to the
Extended Five 5-Year Warranty.
Notes on Warranty Repairs
An RMA (return merchandise authorization) number, issued by our Customer Service
Department, is required when sending products for repair.
They must be shipped to Benchmark Media Systems prepaid and preferably in their original
shipping carton with the RMA number clearly visible on the exterior of the packaging. A letter
should be included giving full details of the difficulty.