Instruction Manual for DAC2 HGC and DAC2 L with
2.X Firmware
Page 29
Rack Mounting
An optional rack mount tray allows the
mounting of any two ½-wide Benchmark
products in a single rack space. A blank plate
can be added when only one unit is installed
in the rack mount tray.
The Benchmark Rack Mount Tray and
Benchmark ½-Wide Blank Plate are
available from Benchmark.
Benchmark Rack Mount Tray
The Benchmark Rack Mount Tray mounts
up to two ½-wide Benchmark products in a
single race space. The tray accepts any
combination of ½-wide Benchmark products
(with or without rack-mount type faceplates).
Benchmark ½-Wide Blank Plate
The Benchmark ½-Wide Blank Plate is a
½-wide 1-RU anodized aluminum panel for
covering an unused slot in the Benchmark
Rack Mount Tray. It is available in black or
for a complete
selection of cable, accessories, and
replacement parts.