1. Login as root user.
2. Copy "setup" folder to Linux.
3. Modify the permissions of "install.sh" and "testlcpd" by the following
chmod 777 install.sh
chmod 777 testlcpd
4. Modify install.sh according to your Linux distribution.
Type "vi install.sh"
Find the line of "AUTO_FILE=/etc/rc.d/rc.local",
If you use Redhat/Fedora, keep it as it's.
If you use Suse, modify it to "AUTO_FILE=/etc/rc.d/boot.local"
If you use Ubuntu/Xubuntu, modify it to "AUTO_FILE=/etc/rc.local"
5. Install driver:
Type "./install.sh".
6. Enter the auto-run shell script as step 4, add the following line right
after "mknod /dev/usb/lcpd c 180 128" line.
chmod 777 /dev/usb/lcpd
7. In the script as step 4 (for example, rc.local or boot.local), if "exit 0"
line exists, please move it to the LAST line!
8. Type "lsmod" to check if "usblcpd" has been loaded into system.
lsmod | grep usblcpd
9. Connect PD to USB Port.
10. Test PD.
After installed driver, enter "setup" folder and type "./testlcpd" to
see if data on PD.
11. If you want to change USB port in which PD's plugged, please
follow the steps below.
Unplug the USB cable of PD.
Run "rmmod usblcpd" and "rm /dev/usb/lcpd" commands.
Replug in USB cable of PD to another USB port.
Run "./install.sh" again under setup folder.