When ligh ng your stove
fully open both the primary
and secondary air controls.
To aid star ng you can also
unlatch the door handle
allowing extra combus on
air into the stove. You
should be able to fully latch
the door once the fire has
Beltane Chew Air Controls
To Open door li handle.
To close push door
closed and push handle
down un l located.
The handle has push / pull
mo on. When shu ng the door
push the door closed and push
handle firmly un l the door
Always use the glove provided when handling parts likely to be hot when the stove is in use.
The Chew Stove has the following tool and parts packed in the stove
1. Stove glove
2. Instruc on manual
3. C
onvec on top cover plate
Secondary air
Le open / Right closed
Primary air
Le open / Right closed
Ter ary air ports