Bell’O International Corp. will not be responsible for failure to assemble as directed or for the improper assembly, use or handling of this stand.
! Do not PlAce ItemS on the ShelVeS whIch eXceeD the mAXImum weIGht lImItS oF 125 lbS. For toP ShelF,
50 lbS. For the mIDDle ShelF, AnD 75 lbS. For the bottom ShelF. AlwAyS PlAce the heAVIeSt
comPonentS on the bottom ShelF.
AlwAys reMove tHe tv AnD otHer eQuIPMent FroM tHe FurnIture PrIor to MovInG tHe AsseMBleD unIt.
Be CAreFul wHen MovInG tHe AsseMBleD FurnIture AFter tHe GlAss sHelves HAve Been In-
stAlleD, AnD/or wHen tHere Is eQuIPMent loCAteD on tHe FurnIture As tHIs MAy CAuse
tHe sHelves AnD otHer IteMs to BeCoMe unseCureD AnD FAll.
wHen In use, tHIs FurnIture Must Be PlACeD on A FlAt, solID AnD level surFACe.
Do not leAn on tHe tv wHen It Is on tHe tv stAnD.
Do not ClIMB or steP on tHe stAnD.
Do not BAnG Into or PlACe your own weIGHt on tHe GlAss sHelF.
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