SECTION 5 1 8-4 1 1 - 1 00
the MIKE-ON LED, and a single 1/2-second tone
burst is heard at both stations.
(2) After hearing the tone burst, the calling
party can voice-signal the HF AI station.
The HFAI station may answer without going
off-hook via the mike in the adjunct.
(3) If the HF AI station does not want local
conversation or noise to be heard, the
MIC-OFF button must be depressed, during
which time the LED will turn off.
In this
condition, incoming calls can be received but
cannot be answered. The called station may
return to HF AI by releasing the MIC-OFF button.
The following conditions apply to HFAI calls:
(a) If an HFAI station is called on a dial
conference call, it must go off-hook within
16 seconds of the first called station going off-hook
to prevent the possibility of a conference call
being broadcast at an unattended HF AI station.
After 16 seconds the alerting tone will time out
but the lamp at the HFAI station will continue
to flash.
The HF AI station can enter the
conference while the lamp is flashing but only
using the handset.
(b) A station in HFAI cannot be ·added as the
third party in call add-on. The station can
be called and can converse while in HFAI but
to be added on, must go to handset operation
before the calling station operates the switchhook
a second time to return to the original connection.
Failure to go to handset will cause the HF AI
station to be dropped.
(c) Calls cannot be transferred to a station in
the HFAI mode without going off-hook before
the transfer. As in add-on, the HF AI station
will be dropped.
(d) HFAI stations can be placed on station hold
but not consultation hold. This prevents an
HF AI station being connected to a CO/PBX line
for transmission reasons.
(e) Two HFAI stations called on a dial conference
call will not be able to communicate with
each other and must go to their handsets.
(f) Calls cannot be orignated in HF AI.
Page 22
The 2A transmitter-receiver adjunct is
equipped with a DND button which operates
separately from the system DND. Station DND is
operated by depressing the DND button which
locks down.
To allow incoming calls, the DND
button must be depressed again, releasing it. If
the station DND and system DND are activated
at the same time, or if just the system DND is
activated, the calling station will hear t.he system
tone (busy signal). If only the station DND is
activated, both stations will hear a double tone
burst from the adjunct.
This feature permits the 6B KTS stations
to access a customer-owned and maintained
(COAM) or Telephone Company provided amplifier
and loudspeaker for paging. Up to three paging
zones, plus one all-page zone, can b" provided.
When paging access is provided, the number of
station codes is reduced by four since the 484A
KTU in J16 becomes dedicated to paging. These
leads appear in J9 on the rear of the KBU. Each
paging zone (except all page) require� a 278A
adapter as an interface between the 6B KTS and
the amplifier (Fig. 7). A separate amplifier should
be supplied for each zone. If desired, a separately
supplied music source can be connected to the 278A
adapter(s) as background music through the amplifiers
to the paging speakers. If background music is
278A adapter must be st-apped to
present an 8-ohm load to the music source. The
adapters must be separately mounted from the
KSU and require -24 volts de and grot>nd which
must be supplied from a separate sourct>.
The codes assigned to paging addesss are
71, 72, and 73. If all page is de�ired, the
code is 70. When paging access is provided, station
codes 50 through 53 are converted to >Jse as 70
through 73 and, therefore, are not av,dlable as
station codes. The conversion is accumrJlished by
operating the toggle switch marked
ACC to
the ON position. The switch is located on the
rear of the 572A1 KSU just above the connectors
for the incoming cables. As factory-provided, the
switch is in the OFF position. Th.; 484A KTU
for codes 50 through 53 must be CO'l'·erted for
the continuous ring option (option A).
BSP 518·411·100·i01_1978·08·22.jpg Scanned by Frank Harrell, (Cowboy Frank) Castle Rock, Colorado Oct 15, 2012 21 :02:01