Using the TuneBase FM
Using the TuneBase FM
| 09
Using the PRO Setting to Improve Performance
When you connect your iPod or iPhone, your TuneBase FM will automatically adjust the
volume for your iPod or iPhone model. Although the default volume setting will be ideal
for most conditions, you may be able to improve the audio performance of your TuneBase
FM by using the PRO setting. Professional FM stations use dynamic compression to make
music louder and fuller while limiting distortion. You can use the three PRO settings on your
TuneBase FM to add dynamic compression to your audio:
Your TuneBase FM displays the current PRO setting. Pressing the “PRO” button changes the
setting as follows:
Listening to Mono Recordings
Your TuneBase FM transmits in stereo, but you can transmit in mono if needed. We suggest
that you switch to mono transmission if your stereo is not receiving a clear signal from your
TuneBase FM or if you are listening to a mono recording such as a podcast or audio book.
To switch to mono transmission, press the “PRO” button until the setting appears.
The PRO button settings are as follows:
Normal – No change to the audio. This setting works well
with all types of audio.
PRO 1 – Increases the average volume of the audio. This
setting works well with most types of music.
PRO 2 – Increases the average volume even further. This
setting works well with quieter music, but it may cause
distortion with louder music.
Increases the average volume and transmits
in mono (instead of stereo). This setting works well for
podcasts and audio books. It can also be used to improve
reception if you are not receiving a clear signal from your
TuneBase FM.