LED Chart
LED Chart
Every time you push a button on the Remote Control, the green lights on the Remote
Control and the Dock will blink, indicating that the signal has been received correctly.
If the Remote Control and the Dock are too far apart to communicate, the light on the
Remote Control blinks orange (after a short delay) instead of green when you press a
button. The light on the Dock will not blink.
The Remote Control’s battery level is automatically checked after every button press.
If the battery level is low, the Remote Control’s red light will blink, following the green
or amber blink. If you see this happen, the low battery should be replaced soon with a
new one of the same type (CR 2032). Your TuneCommand AV will continue to function
normally until the battery is exhausted.
| 06
The receiver receives the signal
Out of range
The battery is out
Received the signal