Subject to technical modifications
22PDP differential pressure sensor /
The differential pressure sensor is equipped with two remote pressure transmit-
ters. It can detect pressures in ranges from 0...5 to 0...35 bar. The overpressure
is 2 times and the burst pressure is 20 times the maximum pressure range of
the respective model.
The functions of the flexible-use sensor include field-selectable pressure ranges
and output signal types, output reversal, selectable averaging or signal smooth-
ing times, as well as port swapping and bi-directional measurements. The out-
put signal is factory calibrated for highest accuracy.
Warning notice
Ensure that the maximum connection or system pressure does not exceed the
value specified as the highest pressure for the respective sensor. This corre
sponds, for example, to a maximum of 10 bar for the 22PDP-186 sensor model.
Measurement inaccuracies could occur if the sensor is operated in the over-
pressure range. Pressures in excess of the specified value could damage the
sensor. See nominal sizes in the table on page 13.
Prior to installation
Read the instructions carefully prior to installation and commissioning of the
differential pressure sensor. Noncompliance with these instructions can lead to
product damage.
Do not use the sensor in explosive or hazardous environments with combustible
or inflammable gases, as a safety or emergency stop device or in other applica
tions in which a product failure could lead to injuries.
Implement protective
measures against electrostatic discharges at the time of installation and do
not exceed the nominal values of the devices.