Tips for kindergarten teachers
On, under, right and left (Age: 4+)
Let the children sort the photo cards according to Monty’s position. Is Monty sitting in
the middle of the bed, under the bed, to the right or to the left of the bed?
I am Monty (Age: 4+)
Monty the cat likes to hide. The children can hide, too, somewhere in the kindergarten.
One player hides, and another, who knows where he is hidden, describes the hiding place
to the other children.
Draw Monty (Age: 4+)
The children make a drawing of Monty, following your instructions (e.g.: Monty is sitting
on the red bed, on a yellow-spotted pillow, he has pushed the cover off the bed). You can
also include other objects that the children have to draw.
All about Cats (Age: 3+)
Talk about cats with the children. For instance, why does Monty hide under the bed from
the dog? Why do cats hiss or purr? Are all cats grey, like Monty? In this way the children
are familiarised with cats as pets.
My Friend Monty (Age: 3+)
Which of the children has a cat (or a tomcat) at home? If you have a pet, what do you
need to pay attention to? What is involved in looking after an animal and taking responsi-
bility for it? What experiences have the children already had with cats?
Team Monty (Age: 3+)
In a larger group of children, ´Find Monty´ can also be played as a team game. Form
teams in which one or several children are responsible for the various objects (bed,
pillow, bedcover, Monty). One child from the group then describes to the other children
where the objects have to be placed. If the situation is correctly reproduced, the whole
group wins.
Tips for parents
Together with your child, work on the various prepositions (position words). For instance, you can
select an object in your home and ask your child to describe its position. Explain to your child why
the terms “left” and “right” depend on where you are looking from (e.g. in front of a mirror, or
when two people are standing opposite each other).