SpinLite® Full Side Washer
Belanger, Inc. * PO BOX 5470 * Northville, MI 48167-5470 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681
Replacing an LED Light on the Hub Assembly
7) Pull the LED Light(s) that need to be replaced out of the channel(s) in the Hub Assembly.
8) Slide the new LED Light(s) into the channel(s) in the Hub Assembly.
9) Reattach the Hub Plate(s) to the top of the Hub Assembly; align the countersunk holes (two holes
per plate) with the center holes on the Skin Weldments, see image below on left.
10) Thread the LED Plug(s) from the Wire Harness through the holes in the Hub Plates and attach the
Hub Plates to the Hub Assembly, refer to the image above on right.
Hub Plates
Skin Weldments
Align the countersunk holes on the
Hub Plate(s) with the center holes
on the Skin Weldments.
Step 9:
Route LED Plugs from Wire Harness
through large holes in Hub Plates then
attach Plates to Hub Skins.
Step 10:
Wire Harness
LED Plugs
LED Receptors
LED Light
Step 7:
Pull the LED Light(s) that
need to be replaced out of
the Hub Channel(s).
Step 8:
Slide the new LED Light(s)
into the Hub Channel(s).