Retail Software
Win cor Nix dorf has a world wi de port fo lio of stan dard pro ducts to meet the
com plex bu si ness and tech no lo gy de mands pla ced on re tail sto re so lu tions,
such as:
Long pro duct li fe cy cles
In ter na tio nal de ploya bi li ty
Fle xi ble cus to mi zing and ex pan si on op tions
Ex cel lent in te gra bi li ty
Con ve nient fea tu res for cen tral sto re con trol
The port fo lio of sto re so lu tions co vers all this – with bro ad sup port for lea -
ding ope ra ting sys tems, such as Mi cro soft and Li nux, and a va rie ty of
functions gea red to dif fe rent re qui re ments. But sim ply pro vi ding pro ducts
that will re main vi ab le in the fu tu re is no lon ger enough. No wa days, re tai lers
also ex pect ex tra ser vi ces such as pro ject ma na ge ment, cus to mi zing and
in te gra ti on as well as ad vi ce on choo sing ba sic core tech no lo gies.
Plat forms and pro ducts
So lu ti on plat forms to day are ex pec ted to use ad van ced, stan dard ope ra ting
sys tems. Some of the de ci si ve fac tors in choo sing an ope ra ting sys tem in -
clu de:
User-friend ly ad mi nis tra ti on me cha nisms to op ti mi ze to tal cost of
owners hip (TCO)
Fle xi ble de ploya bi li ty of the ope ra ting sys tem with dif fe rent hard wa re and
pe ri phe rals
Glo bal avai la bi li ty to en su re blan ket co ver age
Sca la bi li ty to meet chan ging re qui re ments
Mi cro soft ope ra ting sys tems ful fill the se cri te ria and have be co me estab lis -
hed on the mar ket. In ad di ti on, Li nux has set a trend un der aspects of sca la -
bi li ty and op ti mi zing TCO, and is an in ter esting supp le ment to the Mi cro soft
Содержание iPOS
Страница 1: ...BEETLE iPOS Entry Compact POS System User Manual Edition April 2010...
Страница 14: ...BEETLE iPOS in a Network 9 BEETLE IPOS IN A NETWORK Server Ethernet 10 100 Base T...
Страница 61: ...Dimensions BEETLE iPOS with a 12 1 screen DIMENSIONS 56 80 347 mm upright position 32 323 mm 294 mm 88 mm...
Страница 62: ...BEETLE iPOS with a 15 screen 57 DIMENSIONS 32 332 mm 88 mm 345 4 mm 80 405 1 mm upright position...
Страница 65: ...with a secondary TFT controller CONNECTIONS 60 COM1 COM2 LAN SPK USB USB3 KYBD MIC CASH DRAW...