Before switching on the System
Un pac king and chec king the Sys tem
Un pack the parts and check to see whet her the de li very mat ches the in for -
ma ti on on the de li very note.
The car ton con tains the ba sic unit and a coun try-spe ci fic ac ces so ries kit.
Some or de red com po si ti on may be in stal led.
Plea se in di ca te the num ber of your de li very ti cket and de li very ti cket po si ti on
and se ri al num ber of the re spec ti ve de vi ce. The se ri al num ber can be found
on the la bel il lu stra ted be low which is lo ca ted at the rear of the hou sing; it
may be ne ces sa ry to re mo ve the ca ble co ver.
The se ri al num ber is lo ca ted on the la bel be low the bar code.
Trans port the de vi ce only in its ori gi nal pa cka ging (to pro tect it against im -
pact and shock).
Set ting up the de vi ce
Set up the BEETLE sys tem whe re it will not be ex po sed to ex tre me en vi ron -
men tal con di tions. Pro tect the de vi ce from vi brat ions, dust, moi stu re, heat
and strong mag ne tic fields.
The BEETLE must not be ope ra ted in al ti tu des abo ve 2000 m (6562 ft
AMSL). Should you have any que stions, plea se con tact you re tai ler or our
ser vi ce de part ment.
If the equip ment is to be fit ted, you must en su re that the spe ci fied mi ni mum
dis tan ces are main tai ned and cons tant ven ti la ti on is pro vi ded. The mi ni mum
Wincor Nixdorf
Made in Singapore
017500 000000
100-120V / 200-240V
50/60 Hz 5/3 A
Содержание iPOS
Страница 1: ...BEETLE iPOS Entry Compact POS System User Manual Edition April 2010...
Страница 14: ...BEETLE iPOS in a Network 9 BEETLE IPOS IN A NETWORK Server Ethernet 10 100 Base T...
Страница 61: ...Dimensions BEETLE iPOS with a 12 1 screen DIMENSIONS 56 80 347 mm upright position 32 323 mm 294 mm 88 mm...
Страница 62: ...BEETLE iPOS with a 15 screen 57 DIMENSIONS 32 332 mm 88 mm 345 4 mm 80 405 1 mm upright position...
Страница 65: ...with a secondary TFT controller CONNECTIONS 60 COM1 COM2 LAN SPK USB USB3 KYBD MIC CASH DRAW...