Assemble the Base
You will need:
Base with wheels and axle (part 4) Bottom Pole (part 7)
Place the base on a solid flat horizontal surface. Fix the Bottom Pole (part 7) and the Wheels to the base using the
Wheel Axle (part 4).
Slide the metal wheel axle through the bottom pole and wheels in the following order;
Base > Wheel> Base > Bottom Pole > Base > Wheel > Base
You may need to pull the metal rod/wheel axle towards you slightly in order to get it to slot through all the parts.
Attach the Base Struts
You will need:
Parts as assembled in Step 2 (base attached to bottom pole)
2 x Base Struts (part 3)
2 x Bolts, Nuts & Washers B (M8 x 20mm)
1 x Bolt, Nut & Washers C (M8 x 65mm) - and plastic bolt cap
Attach one end of each of the Base Struts (part 3) to the base itself using Bolts B (one for each side).
Find the hole toward the top of the Bottom Pole.
Fix two ends of the Base Struts (parts 3) either side of the Bottom Pole using the single Bolt C (M8 x 65mm) and
complete using the plastic bolt cap.