Product Overview
Embedded PC
Power supply
Technical Data CX1100-0001
One of three power supply modules can be selected for a CX1000 system. The power supply of all other system
components is ensured via the internal PC104 bus; no separate supply lines are required. However, the CX1100
components offer further important characteristics that go beyond a pure power supply: an integrated NOVRAM
enables the fail-safe storage of process data, an LCD display with two lines of 16 characters each is used for
displaying system and user messages.
The power supply CX1100-N001 has no I/O interfaces.
Technical data
Power supply
24 V DC (-15%/+20%)
Dieletric strength
500 Veff (supply / internal electronics)
Max. power consumption
30 W
Recommended fuse at 24 V
2 A
K-Bus connection
IP-Link connection
Connection type
1 x open pluggable connector, 5-pin
8 kByte
FSTN display 2 lines x 16 characters of text, illuminated
Diagnostics LED
1 x PWR
45 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx.
180 g