Espresso Machine | Cafetera Espresso | Máquina de Café Expresso
During continuous operations, the steam indicator is likely to
turn off due to the inadequate temperature of the water in the boiler,
but it does not mean the unit will stop operating, you may continue
to make cappuccino regardless of it.
• Fill a jug with about 150 grams of milk for each cappuccino to be
prepared, you are recommended to use whole milk at refrigerator
temperature (not hot!).
When choosing the size of the jug, it is recommended that
the diameter is not lower than 70±5 mm, bearing in mind that the
milk increases in volume by 2 times, so make sure the height of the
jug is enough.
• Insert the steam wand (with the frothing device) into the milk about
two centimetres deep, then turn the knob to the “
” position, the
steam will come out from the steam wand. Froth the milk by moving
the jug around and up and down.
• When the required effect is reached, you can turn the knob to the
” position.
Clean the steam outlet with a wet sponge immediately after
the steam stops generating, but be careful not to burn yourself!
• Pour the frothed milk into the prepared espresso, now the cappuccino
is ready. Sweeten to taste and if desired, sprinkle the froth with a little
cocoa powder.
• Press the power switch to cut off the power source.
If you want to make coffee again after frothing milk you should
turn the knob to the “
” position and press the steam button to
the higher position which is the “
” position, the pump will pump
water until the coffee indicator turns off, then turn the knob to the
position and wait until the coffee indicator lights up again.
AF Manual Instruções Máquina de café A5 EN 3mm.indd 13
02/09/16 10:58