User Guide v1.0
Simplify Your Life
Working Mode Detail
There are three types working mode of our Beacons. They are Sleep Mode, Configuration Mode,
and Normal Working Mode. When user taps the beacon, Beacon will enter the Configuration Mode,
which can last for 45 seconds. After timeout, Beacon will enter the Normal Working Mode or Sleep
Mode according to the different configuration. When the connection is disabled, Beacon will enter
Configuration Mode and this will last for 45 seconds. Then the Beacon can switch to Sleep Mode or
Configuration Mode.
Sleep Mode
When Beacon stays asleep, this mode will wait for being wake-up.
Configuration Mode
On Configuration Mode, beacon can be quickly connected and reconfigured, which needs triggered
by tapping Beacon, and it will last for 45 seconds. It means that Beacon can be connected in 45
seconds after being triggered. And Beacon will restore to Sleep Mode or Normal Working Mode if it
is not connected in 45 seconds.
Normal Working Mode
After set the Beacon State on Broadcast Mode or Trigger Mode, beacon is on the Normal Working
Mode. On this mode, beacon can broadcast the corresponding data according to the Beacon State.
If the broadcasting data in on the Non-Connectable Mode, Beacon needs to be tapped to
Connectable Mode. If the Beacon State is Connectable Mode and Beacon keeps broadcasting,
parameters of the beacon can be configured directly. If the Beacon switches to Connectable Mode,
the connectable mode will last for 45seconds and then Beacon will returns to Normal Working