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Chapter 1. TeleGPS Quick Start Guide
TeleGPS is designed to be easy to use. Requiring no external components, flying takes just a few steps.
1. First, download and install the software from This will make sure that
you have the right device drivers installed.
2. Next, plug in the battery and USB cable and connect TeleGPS to your computer. This will charge the
battery and allow you to configure the device.
3. Start the TeleGPS application and set the callsign and frequency on your TeleGPS device; refer to
Section 3.13, “Configure Device” for instructions.
4. Unplug TeleGPS when the battery charger light goes green. This will enable the radio and logging
portions of the TeleGPS firmware.
5. Connect TeleDongle to your computer and start TeleGPS or start AltosDroid on your android
device and connect to TeleBT. Set the frequency to match the TeleGPS and you should be receiving