Before You start
Make sure your network has an active internet connection.
Sign in your MSN account !
If you have not yet registered MSN ever,
Go to MSN website and sign up for service!
<Hint> Menu --> MSN --> Settings
1 Edit your MSN registered
in Settings,
press center key to save and then return.
2 Scroll to "MSN", select it to sign you in.
Now MSN will log in automatically.
Sign in your Skype account !
If you have not yet registered Skype ever,
Go to Skype website and get a Skype Name!
<Hint> Menu --> Skype --> Settings
1 A list of Skype settings will be displayed.
Select “Edit” to enter your Skype account information—
Name, Password, and Skypeout Country Code (if you have one).
2 Scroll to "Skype", select it to sign you in.
Now Skype will login automatically.
<Note>You need ONLY 1 Time to set your Skype/MSN account information until you want to
log in by different account. To use another account? Please follow the steps above.