Diagnose Code Wheel
The silver code wheel decal, attached to the back side of the wheel, must work properly to identify slot
location and ticket payout.
To check for proper operation;
Press and hold red menu button down to enter menu.
Continue pressing menu button as display cycles up through N #’s. Stop at N10.
The right side display will count up from zero to 16.
The left side display will show ticket value associated with the slots.
If a slot number is skipped as the wheel rotates past the coin slot hole, the wheel position sensor
(AACB1451) is not reading the silver code wheel decal (A5DE4103)
Clean the decal and sensor and retest. Replace the wheel assembly if needed.
The game will automatically exit diagnostics.
Error 80 - Wheel not
being seen.
Dirty sensor or decal.
Ripped or dull silver decal.
No power to sensor board
Faulty sensor board.
Faulty cable.
Remove wheel and clean optos and
silver decal on back of wheel.
Replace decal. (A5DE4103)
Insure green LED on board is ON.
Replace wheel position sensor.
Check cables AACE9206 going to Aux
and AACE9200 going to
main board. Clean phone connector
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